Applied Econometrics
September 2024
A. Monticini
Course details
The course is offered in autumn. The class meets:
- Tuesday 08:30 - 11:30 (TBA)
- Wednesday 08:30 - 11:30 (room G.252)
Course aim
This course investigates the main econometric methods as a tool for the quantitative analysis of economic and
financial phenomena. The application of econometric models allows measuring variables that are not directly
observable, studying their relationships and behavior, testing and comparing alternative theories, as well as
forecasting and simulating the effects of different policies. This course heavily emphasizes the importance of
applications. A discussion of the main theoretical issues and a systematic analysis of econometric tools are intended
as prerequisites for the investigation of a series of problems that are of particular relevance for economic and
financial applications. For this reason, the theoretical lectures will be complemented by a systematic series of
financial and economic applications through which the student will be in the position to autonomously develop econometric
analysis, and perform empirical studies on financial and economic topics.
Course Outline
I plan to cover most of chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 of ETM. Their contents are briefly described below.
- Regression Models.
A chapter containing a brief review of regressions, along with a few reminders of
things from statistics and probability theory that will be needed later. Very important is the subsection
of Section 1.3 entitled “Simulating Econometric Models”. The ideas in that subsection are essential
for understanding the bootstrap and much else, and are not too easily found elsewhere. There are also
sections dealing with various useful aspects of matrix algebra. You may find that this is well-known
stuff, except perhaps for some of the material on partitioned matrices.
- Working example: A bad day on Wall Street
- Working example: How to simulate an econometric model
- The Geometry of Linear Regression.
In this chapter, statistical issues are set aside in order to discuss
ordinary least squares as a purely formal procedure. The chapter begins with some straightforward
geometry, and introduces the concept of vector, or linear, spaces.
- Working example: Estimating and Testing the Capital Asset Pricing Model
- The Statistical Properties of Ordinary Least Squares.
In this chapter, the most fundamental concept
of econometric theory is introduced, that of a data-generating process, or DGP. This concept allows
us to define the almost equally important concept of a statistical or econometric model, and how such
models are specified. Pretty much the simplest regression model is what we call the classical normal
linear model, and this is introduced in this chapter. Much of the material in later chapters allows
us to relax the very restrictive assumptions that are made in specifying this model. In this chapter,
we also introduce some concepts, most importantly that of probability limits, needed for asymptotic
theory, the approximate theory used for more general models, for which the exact classical results
do not hold. Using this theory, we can show that the OLS estimator is consistent under much weaker
conditions than the classical ones.
- Working example: Explaining house prices
- Hypothesis Testing in Linear Regression Models.
This chapter is devoted to inference. We develop
tests for linear regressions. Tests can be exact if the assumptions of the classical normal linear model
are satisfied, but otherwise asymptotic theory allows us to construct approximate tests. In many cases,
we can do better than these approximate tests by using the bootstrap; the elements of bootstrap testing
are covered in this chapter.
- Working example: The determinants of the stock return
- Confidence Intervals.
Confidence intervals provide another way to conduct statistical inference. At
a rather deep level, there is an equivalence between hypothesis tests and confidence intervals. Like
hypothesis tests, confidence intervals can be exact, under the strong assumptions of the classical
normal linear model, for instance, or approximate. Approximate confidence intervals can be based on
asymptotic theory or on the bootstrap. Another topic is heteroskedasticity-consistent inference.
- Working example: Market cap and the oil price
- Generalized Least Squares and Related Topics.
We continue the process of relaxing the restrictive
classical assumptions by considering models in which the disturbances may have a more complicated
specification, in particular by being heteroskedastic, or serially correlated, or both. In this chapter, we
introduce some ideas related to time series that arise naturally from the study of serial correlation.
- Working example: Food expenditure and income
- Working example: Market cap and the oil price
- Instrumental Variable Estimation.
In economics, typically “everything depends on everything else”.
In econometric parlance, almost all economic variables are endogenous. Their endogeneity means
that they cannot be used as explanatory variables in regression models estimated by least squares, and
this is not something that asymptotic theory can get around. A new estimation method is needed, and
we are led to the study of instrumental variables.
- Working example: The Fulton Fish Market
- Econometric Theory and Methods, R. Davidson e J. MacKinnon, Oxford University Press, 2004.
There is a blackboard test based on three sections:
- Six True or False questions
- Six Multiple choice questions
- Six questions on a proposed empirical analysis
The formal weights will be 40% sections A-B and 60% section C.